Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Okay, so what really made me build a blog was "Illustration Friday", an awesome site that prods artists to do an image based on a weekly theme. 'Cause I have so many existing illos, this week I'm putting up one I did a few years ago for the Wall Street Journal on the theme "WARNING"... just to try it out. This ran with the article "Culture Shock: Learning Customs of a New Office".


  1. Hey... that's cheating; using previous art, but I like it. Nice illustrative style! Welcome aboard.
    Now, am I your first commenter?? Wow! What do I win? Hmmmm????

  2. Love, love , love your style and yes what a motivator Illustration Friday is right.I just started last week and am sorry I didn't sooner!

  3. Welcome to IF... It's a great community of really interesting folks. I love the woodcut style of your piece. Looking forward to seeing you in the future.

  4. Welcome to the blogosphere! Great work as usual! Psst If you use something you already created for illustration friday, don't tell everyone, they think it's cheating. Ha Ha. Ted, knows the rules obviously. :)
    Rules are always for breaking, otherwise why have rules. lol

  5. Do you paint the colour on the scratchboard with Dr Martins watercolor, Lisa, or is it on a separate sheet and then put together digitally?
